Like any 12 step program, we don't take a stance for or against anything - but only care about providing you with support to change your life the way you want to. Despite the name, we are open to anyone from any part of the "spicy" industries, legal or not. We explain why the name though further down.
Some people have found exiting, and/or recovering from, time in the "spicy" industry, for whatever reason they did it or how they got there, easier if they have support from others who have also been there.
Also, because of laws grandfathered in by Alcoholics Anonymous, if you're facing jail time for a charge, we may be able to provide you with an alternative to that much as how they have drug and alcohol court today. Because of laws grandfathered in by Narcotics Anonymous, you may find it difficult to speak to anyone if you're on parole, probation, or under surveillance by law enforcement. As Narcotics Anonymous is open to anyone who uses any type of drugs, and there's many kinds, they had to use a word that covered all types of drugs such as "narcotics". We focused on the main word that is something for which many men and women are STILL going to jail/prison for today as this program serves as a means of providing them with an alternative to being incarcerated - even if they are facing mandatory detention for their charges.
Anything you say to us within the context of the program is exempt from law enforcement. This is so that you can share freely what you have to share in order to work on your program.
Since we can not as a group take a stance "for" or "against", we leave the lobbying to change laws up to other groups. What our individual members do however, is up to them. We just wanted to create a way for someone who was facing incarceration to be able to do something else just as the addict can get treatment in drug court instead of jail.
So until they change the laws in countries where they arrest someone for this work, this program can provide you with an alternative to incarceration, early release, diversion, community service, and possibly even expunging your record as we've done for our members since our inception in 1987.
The founder of this program is in the process of writing a detailed history of not only her life, but the history of this program. So if you wish more detailed information, just shoot us an email.
To give you an overview, back in 1984, this country found itself in the middle of what's now been called "Iran Contra". This intersected with what's now also been called the "Epstein scandal", which also has intersected the recent Diddy arrest. Many people think these cases aren't connected, but they are. Just as one can cross reference Jeanne Palfrey Black Book with Epstein's flight logs. At the same time, pimps were quite organized in the USA to the point where they'd have their yearly "trade convention" in Chicago at what was known back then as "Bishop Don Juan's birthday party" or as it evolved into the "Pimp 'N Ho Ball". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Players_Ball
Madams who were part of the group COYOTE, founded by Margo St. James, used to hold the "Whore's Ball" yearly on the same day as a means of protest to what has today the term has been coined as "sex trafficking". https://www.radcliffe.harvard.edu/schlesinger-library/collections/martgo-st-james-5and-coyote
At the same time, legal brothels had just been formed in NV in 1974. These madams used to believe sex work, like any work, should be done freely, and the workers also not exploited, abused and/or trafficked.
That's why they worked to establish the decriminalization of prostitution in RI thinking this would help break the hold organized crime and/or pimps had over many in the industry. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_in_Rhode_Island#:~:text=Prostitution%20was%20decriminalized%20in%20Rhode,only%20street%20solicitation%20remained%20illegal.
The backlash of this was that these madams who were trying to help what again today would be called "sex trafficking victims", and also to see sex work given the recognition of "work" like any other career, were all framed and subjected to high profile arrests on felony charges. This was done to try and turn them into informants as they did with Alex Adam's (who admitted this in her memoir). These women were given names by the media - our founder was dubbed "The High Tech Madam". https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1985-05-16-me-17443-story.html
To give context, this was also at the height of the HIV/AIDS epidemic for a community that generally had no health insurance, and because of being an underground community, it was difficult for outsiders to provide any type of education, intervention and/or care.
So these madams, who had been basically the only ones to provide support to this community, were suddenly facing not only years in prison, but also now being felons, were told they could no longer speak to anyone else in said community or they could be sent back to prison. This at the same time these madams were in the best positions to be providing assistance/education to those in the industry with respect to this epidemic.
We also felt it just plain wrong these madams were now facing prison time for simply trying to provide a safe place to work not only from pimps, but also at the very height of when serial killers were targeting us. Just to give you an idea - in LA at this time over 200 serial killers were targeting us while RI even had more than one serial killer targeting us. https://www.upi.com/Archives/1987/01/18/Murder-in-the-StreetsNEWLNLAs-serial-killers-make-1986-year-of-easy-prey/2782537944400/
Something had to be done, and done quickly. So on August 15, 1987, the 12 step program was born. This provided not only the guarantee all calls to the hotline were as confidential as those to any drug and/or rape hotline, but also allowed members of this community to provide assistance to their community without fear of being sent back to prison. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-10-29-va-50887-story.html
It also formed a group of advocates who just as AA and NA founders also knew the laws had to be changed with respect to how their members were treated, they knew laws had to be changed also so that anyone who was viewed as a "prostitute" back then was not also viewed in the eyes of the system as a "criminal" as was the case back then.
Up to this point, many rights were lost by virtue of being viewed as a "criminal". Knowing it was going to take decades, if ever, to see sex work decriminalized or even legalized, these members worked to see the Trafficking Act passed in 2000 - which was the first time Americans could receive assistance from the Office of Victim Services when raped, beaten, trafficked, or even murdered as previously any federally funded groups were unable to assist our community because of being "criminals".
Once federal money was now created to assist our community, George W. Bush swept into the issue by hijacking this money to the control of "faith based groups" in 2003. Thus began a time when these faith based programs who previously left us to die now all decided to jump onto the band wagon, but only to assist "victims".
Once the US reached the point where they were going to start programs much like how drug court was set up to help the addict, thus began a power struggle that AA and NA also suffered from when the government and the church decided to "take over".
We say this because the newly formed field of "recovery from alcoholism" found Bill Wilson being blacklisted from his own program, along with the original founding members giving way to the newly formed National Coucil on Alcoholism.
In time, Jimmy Kinnon, the founder of NA, was locked out of his own office, and the program also hijacked by the "recovery industry". A man named Bob Stone took over for Jimmy, and when he realized something was very wrong - well he was found dead wrapped in duct tape and the authorities said it was "suicide".
The fork in the road came when our founder was asked to help set up the first sex trafficking programs. The government however doesn't want to take a stance ANY sex work could be anything BUT rape from a legal perspective, and for reasons that go into espionage and world policies even, so she too found herself having this program "hijacked" out from under her as Bill Wilson and Jimmy Kinnon had once experienced.
At the same time, people were turning up dead in connection with the Epstein scandal, Iran Contra, Operation Dollhouse, and even the vying for control over the legal brothel industry in Nevada. This same target pointed itself at our founder who had to literally go "off the grid" for a time to save her life.
Vowing to be knocked down but not lost, she vowed she'd return once it was safe to do so. Since many of the people behind this are now dead, that time has come for the resurrection of the program as men and women are still going to jail/prison on sex work, and now sex trafficking (what used to be "madaming" and/or "pimping" is now "sex trafficking" and carrying a life sentence in some states) charges.
Technology has presented a huge challenge to maintaining the same "anonymity" once enjoyed by a world pre-internet and cell phones. So because of these issues possibly being life threatening for some members, we do not have "open" meetings like AA and NA now enjoy.
But we are still here offering our "experience, hope and strength" to anyone who has a desire to exit the industry. If you have that desire, please give us a call or an email and we'll provide you with the best help we can for your situation.
If you're unsure how effective we are as a program, a ten year study was done on us and proclaimed we were the most effective at providing long term recovery in the book published by Sharon Oselin, "Leaving Prostitution". https://tinyurl.com/bdejfstp
You may notice articles on us seemed to stop cold after 2007 because of a "blacklist" we were placed on by Sheldon Adelson. Now he's deceased, we hope the situation has changed as we embark upon a new chapter in our history and evolution.
We host a zoom meeting nightly at 8:00 pm PST. For info on how to join that meeting, shoot us an email.
Just to give you an idea of what a meeting can be like, we recorded one. Please note every meeting is different. Everyone at this meeting consented to the recording. We do not record any other meetings.
Because of what she's seen over 40 years now in the industry, the founder believes a union would be a good idea, and has since seeing what happened in RI once it was decriminalized. So she gave an interview, but these are her personal opinions and not that of the program as a whole. This was done in 2016. The website has changed many times as we keep getting hijacked by outside entities, some who are trying to appear they are us to get more information on our members. This is the only "official" website for the program as of 2024.
Please keep in mind when this was recorded, it was 1987. Back then, the national TV stations would ONLY allow you on to speak on a topic such as the industry IF you were "of opposing opinions". This meant Joe Conforte and the founder of our program had to appear to be "enemies" in order to get any air time. So while they were actually friends when this was recorded, they were putting on a bit of a "show". What was at stake here was that when this was airing, California was trying to consider a law to "quarantine" all IV drug users, gays and prostitutes to try and stop the HIV/AIDS epidemic. This meant much as the Japanese were put in camps during WWI, prostitutes would have been rounded up if this law had passed. Joe felt expanding legal brothels into California at the time was the answer to stopping the epidemic. So much he had dropped over $2,000,000 into marketing that idea to California to pass a law allowing him to open brothels in the state. However, this was when he was not offering ANY type of disability to anyone who did get "sick on the job", nor were the states granting disability either as sex work was still considered a "crime". So just as the state doesn't offer disability to shot up drug dealers, sex workers weren't given any medical insurance and/or disability if they contracted this disease on the job either. What should be mentioned is one of the women on this panel who was proclaiming what a great job it was at the brothel, grabbed our founder once taping stopped and claimed she had been forced to appear on the show. Claiming she was being abused, and women were "disappearing into the desert" at night, she begged our founder to get her away from Joe. Taping was done in Chicago where at that time Brenda Myers-Powell was a resident at the Genesis House program ran by a nun to provide a halfway house to those wanting to exit the industry. So the paramedics were called to escort this woman safely out of the studio, where she was taken to Genesis House. A few years later she contacted the founder to say she had gotten married and was living a happy life now away from Joe and the Mustang Ranch. Joe fled the country a few years later and opened legal brothels in Brazil. He's deceased now and the Mustang Ranch is under complete new ownership where we don't hear those kinds of stories coming out of it anymore.
It was 1992, and the founder of PA appears with a woman who ran the San Diego meetings, and a street pimp who they got out of the game also. Because of the "fairness doctrine" still in place on TV at the time, they had to bring on "opposing opinions" so they brought on a woman who ran a dungeon in NY, along with a street prostitute who was literally in detox on the show - but she wanted to be heard about why we should not be sent to jail so she got on the plane and did the show like a trooper!
Most of these TV shows back then were filmed in Chicago. Genesis House was in Chicago, and there was a woman there named Brenda Myers-Powell, she wanted to go spend time with, so she'd do these shows to get flown back to Chicago and spend some time at Genesis House. This show was on "pimps" and she went there just after her baby was born to speak as a "female pimp" or "madam" as they were considered under the law at that time. Bishop Don Juan did the show because he had just quit being a pimp and wanted to promote his "church for pimps" on the show. Quite and interesting day backstage!
This goes to show you that even if you're in a "legal" business, you still might wind up facing jail time. This woman was running a licensed, legal escort service in Nevada. The men who run these services don't like women to be in control, so she found herself basically "framed" on quite a list of felony charges. She was facing a lot of time in prison, which would have cost her custody of her child. Thanks to PA, she was able to do her "time" in meetings and work off her community service hours also through PA. The url shown on the video was hijacked and we're trying to get it back!
The founder has recorded her life story, which is also a history of this program, on SoundCloud. You can hear the segments here https://soundcloud.com/madam_memoirs/chapter-21-snoop-doggs-pimping-revival-rv-tour?si=f879e9733f61417f8693b1bf973ca9f6&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing Please subscribe and as new episodes are added - you'll get news of them. We will be making audiobooks of our books shortly.
Various TV shows and videos as well as recordings can be found on our channel here https://www.youtube.com/@EXITTHEGAMEUSA Views expressed by individuals are not that of the program as a whole. Subscribe so that when new videos are added - you'll get news of them.
The founder has published many books on behalf of the program, as well as her own personal books. Any books we sell can be found on www.lulu.com by putting in the terms "prostitutes anonymous". We say this as often we find our links get broken. For now, you should be able to find a complete list of titles at https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/sexworkersanonymous/ Subscribe to be told when new books are published/added. Also, if you wish a copy of the Recovery Guide free, we can provide you with a free ebook upon request. We do carry some titles on Amazon, but we don't like the idea of them having a list of our buyers, so we like to use Lulu or you can order them from us directly.
Sign up to hear from us about specials, sales, events, and fashion tips.
Please reach us at madamfiles@gmail.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
No. Curently in the USA, there's only three ways that one can avoid being incarcerated in either jail or prison - it's either through checking into a medical program like a psychiatric hospital or a drug treatment program, or through checking into a halfway house, or through a 12 step program. Many people, especially single parent,s don't want to have to check into a residential program such as a treatment program or some halfway house. That leaves a 12 step program that's directed specially at the violation of law - so for addicts it's Narcotics Anonymous and for those charged with prostitution, it's Prostitutes Anonymous. Not all 12 steps are saying someone is "addicted". Take Divorce Anonymous or Artists Anonymous - each program just has a group of people with a common interest. So no you don't have to say or be "addicted" in order to come to our program. If you share the common interest of wanting exit support - then you're welcome.
As a 12 step program, we can't take a position either for or against any part of the industry. Now are we to get involved in "public controversy" such as fighting the laws around prostitution or even sex trafficking. Our main focus has to stay on the exit support of those leaving the industry in order to provide a way for someone facing incarceration to be able to get a court to allow them to come to our program as an alternative to being locked up.
Now what our individual members do in their personal lives is up to them, but as a program, we can't get involved in the laws concerning the industry. Some of the groups who fight for decriminalization have said they want our program to go away - even if that means people continue to go to jail. When we've asked them why - they've said they feel only when enough people get "outraged" at putting us in jail will they achieve their goal of decriminalization.
However, we were told back in 1986 when the state of California was talking about rounding us up in vans and taking us to an island for "quaratine" because of the HIV/AIDS hysteria going on back then, that "the USA will never decriminalize prostitution". It's now 2024 and people are STILL going to jail for this - so we like to focus on getting as many people OUT of having to go to jail/prison as we possibly can.
Especially single parents who will lose custody of their kids if they were to go to jail/prison. So we leave the arguing over decriminalization, legalization and/or the "nordic model" up to other groups - while we focus on just what we can do - which is provide a way out for some, and for those still incarcerated, we also can provide them with things other groups can not - such as when in isolation/segregation, one is still allowed visits with a 12 step group. Inside the walls of jail/prison, a 12 step group has basically the same rights as the clergy or their attorney does. That includes anything said within our group structure is off limits to law enforcement. When we've been hit with a subpoena and a warrant from the cops wanting information on a member, we are able to reject those things based on being a 12 step program and exempt from this.
Within the 12 step programs, each group is "autonomous". The same goes for programs - each program has their own way of doing things that works best for them. We have found that there are some traffickers who may keep trying to find people who escaped them years ago, and we don't want to risk anyone being murdered while trying to come to our meetings. So on a national level, we only offer virtual meetings. If people want to form a local meeting, that's on them to decide that's what they want to do. Some of us just have crazy ex-husbands or boyfriends looking for them. So when you first come to our program, you will be directed to our virtual meetings. From there, and once we get to know you better, we may be able to direct you to a local meeting in your town. But the truth is also, not many alcoholics have people coming after them with guns. There's also not that many of them and of those who have this problem, the cops aren't really looking to arrest them either. So we have a unique set of programs that we deal with in this program and after almost 40 years, we've learned to do things a certain way now.
Please reach us at madamfiles@gmail.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
In 1987, the year we formed the program, mayor Tom Bradley was able to use our program as Prostitutes Anonymous to literally clear every single person who was in the LA jails into a residential setting and out of the jail setting because of the name. We used that name to focus on alternative sentencing until the internet was born. We then found the word "prostitute" was blocked on any public library computer, college computers, any adult filters were blocking us and we just found people couldn't find us on most search engines even because the word was blocking us. Now since we'd just formed, all of our copyrights and trademarks were in the name Prostitutes Anonymous. Comes now the fusion centers and all kinds of intelligence agencies who want to find out who our members are.
They aren't law enforcement, so they don't care about that fact. They care about "intelligence". So here comes the imposters - those who are literally making themselves look like they are us. Some even set up attack sites - just so anyone thinking of contacting us would go there out of curiousity - and WHAM - up go the cookies and they are now tracking you. We found some many of these sites trying to get information on our members, we found it best to go back to the original name that we can then hit with a court order if they impersonate us online. Even in person - we found groups who were even setting up physical meetings trying to flush out our members so they could get intelligence on them.
So to protect our members as best as possible, even though who will be new and coming to us fresh - we found it best to go back to the old name.
Anyone who has a desire to exit any area of the sex industry. We have had men and women, transgenders, gay men, lesbians, 19 years old, madams, prostitutes, strippers, porn performers, even pimps, etc. We were contacted by a man who had been sentenced to life for sex trafficking in Nevada, and it took some time, but we were able to help the process that got him released and today he's a free man. He was framed by the way because the state wanted simply to take his money and to punish a black man for having a white baby. We've found that in almost all cases like this, its involved a biracial relationship much like how the 1910 Mann Act by the 1960's had only charged two men who were black who married white women.
We can help you perform your community service, and if you've been ordered to take classes, we have classes you can take also. Because the classes are outside of our 12 step parameters, those have to be paid for however. This is because we can't guarantee your confidentiality when having to report back to the court you did your service or classes.
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